About Megan
A little about me...
Hi! My name is Megan, and I am the director/founder of Firefly Farm and Forest. I am a mom of 4, and am incredibly blessed to have an amazing, supportive (almost) husband.
Starting as a young child, I developed a love and passion for being outside. There was no shortage of places to explore in my hometown of St. Marys, ON. I found myself in the creek beside my grandparent's house or fishing in the Thames River every summer, and building the best snow forts or tobogganing in the winter. We embarked on a yearly camping trip to Bruce Peninsula National Park beginning when I was just a baby, and thus my love for camping and wilderness began.
Since having my first child 12 years ago, our best memories have been made outdoors. Whether that be in a forest exploring bugs and other wildlife, learning how to skip rocks in the Nith River, or examining the depth of the ice in that same body of water during the winter. My children have found a similar love and passion for being outdoors and creating a relationship with the land that I was gifted as a child. My goal is to instill this love within other children.
I have been in the field of Early Childhood Education for almost 15 years, and have found myself in many different settings and opportunities since I first began my journey. At some points throughout the years, I recognized that not every Early Childhood program views the outdoors as a natural teacher like I do, and thus our views and philosophy did not align. I've always felt that there is no limit to the amount of learning, exploration, and play that a natural setting can provide.
This brings us to Firefly Farm and Forest.
I have been planning, manifesting, and dreaming about an outdoor education program since my very early experiences of being within a child care setting. To be able to provide children other than my own with a program that is filled with opportunity and exploration is something that I will never take for granted.
Thank you for following along on my journey.
Director of Firefly Farm and Forest